Men whose index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers may have longer penises, according to a South Korean study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology. -- ST PHOTO: SHAHRIYA YAHAYA
HONG KONG - HANDS may say more about their owners than commonly thought, especially in the case of men.
Men whose index fingers are shorter than their ring fingers may have longer penises, according to a South Korean study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology.
'According to our data ... the shorter index (second) finger than ring (fourth) finger you have, the longer stretched penile length you have,' wrote Tae Beom Kim at the urology department of Gachon University Gil Hospital in Incheon, South Korea, in reply to questions from Reuters.
Previous studies have shown strong evidence that prenatal testosterone may determine finger development as well as penile length, a relationship that Dr Kim and his colleagues launched a study to focus on.
The study involved 144 men suffering from urological problems that did not affect the length of their penis, which was measured under anaesthesia.
The measurements were later compared to the difference in length between their second and fourth fingers on the right hand. Previous studies have shown that the right hand may be more sensitive to the influence of testosterone. -- REUTERS
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