Posed picture on supermarket peeping tom who used a mobile phone camera to peep under woman's skirt. -- ST PHOTO: WANG HUI FEN
TOKYO - Japanese police are warning women to be on their guard against a new generation of perverts.
Armed with the latest in photographic and video technology, these male perverts - or chikan in Japanese - take pictures or videos under a woman's skirt that they like to share with others.
The National Police Agency has announced a campaign to alert the public to the growing problem after a nationwide survey showed the number of such cases was up 60 per cent from the figure five years ago. In 2006, police were alerted to 1,087 cases of people taking illicit photos and footage on trains and stations, on escalators and in shops, or in public toilets or communal baths.
That figure jumped to 1,741 cases in the last fiscal year ending April 1, and nearly all the cases - 1,702 - involved images taken up women's skirts.
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